You can be
anything you want to be
in your dreams
but can you be
anything you want to be
in real life?
You can succeed
how you want to succeed
if you work hard,
put your mind to it,
and you try.
If you do not try
you will never succeed
only fail
and never achieve all that you want.
I succeed
by trying every day
to achieve what I want to achieve,
working hard,
making sacrifices,
to do good for myself and others.
I cannot walk
I cannot run
I cannot do everything
but I can write
and I can speak
and make that meaningful
by making a difference.
I cannot be the doctor
I always wanted to be
I cannot be an athlete
Or a million different things
But I can do what I can do
and that’s enough for me.
I just want to be happy
To leave a mark
on a world
that is
slowly destructing itself,
to be a positive light
in a room of darkness
to give hope
and life to others.
(c) Lucy Watts MBE. Written 2018.